How much do you know about the history of the band Front Line Assembly? FLA is one of the best-known and most innovative electronic-industrial bands. The band has been around for quite a while yet its founder Bill Leeb is still a member.
One of the biggest developments in recently years has been the “AirMech” album. If you’re a fan of the band then it’s probably one of the most important developments of the bands that you’ve been following. That’s because the band’s history is quite interesting and includes a wide range of different albums that it’s released during the years.
In fact, FLA’s music has been a trademark of the band over the years. It’s changed the sound of its music over the years but what’s most important it’s been one of the biggest aspects during the band’s 3-decade history.
Recently “AirMech” was one of the biggest albums of the company. It’s 100% instrumental and it’s easily become one of the most interesting albums of FLA over the years. That includes the various era of the band that you’re probably familiar with if you’re a fan of the band.
In many ways FLA is a truly indie band. This is one of the reasons why the “AirMech” album is such an interesting one. The independent game developer has produced an interesting collaboration with the band. The band wanted to become part of the game when they learned about different aspects of it including sonic weapons. They wanted to be part of the game by adding the soundtrack. This is one of the main reasons you should consider playing the game as well.
The history of the band is quite interesting. It started with its formation during 1985 to 1986. The band was formed by Bill Leeb who was with the band Skinny Puppy during the past. He left the band in 1986 to start his new band. He later teamed up with Rhys Fulber. They had similar musical interests. This resulted in them teaming up to work together with work for Front Work Assembly.
The first era of the band included the band working with Michael Balch. The band’s first song was “aggression” and was added to the album “For Your Ear Only,” which was a compilation album released during 1987.
Then there was the years of Fulber. This included classic songs as the band started to become more popular. This was from 1990 to 1996. This is the era when Fulber officially joined the band. The album “Caustic Grip” as released during the first six months of 1990. The company started to become more popular among fans of the genre.
The ban had some other big eras afterwards. That included the era of Chris Peterson. During this era the band returned to electronic sounds and took place from 1997 to 2002. The band moved towards a big-name band from 2003 to 2008. Finally, the most recent era of FLA has been since 2012. During this time the company has returned to its roots of electronic music and also has some new influences.